ECPCP veröffentlicht eine Stellungnahme zu Strategien und Werkzeugen für grundversorgende Pädiater in Europa, um den Impfgedanken und Impfraten zu fördern.
ECPCP is a European confederation of primary care paediatric organizations which currently represents 16 national organizations. The Velenje statement on how to deal with vaccination hesitancy in the community is attached: Strategies and tools for the primary care paediatrician for the achievement of a high vaccine uptake in practice and in the community.
We are concerned about the recent outbreaks of measles and increasing vaccination hesitancy in European countries. The medical profession and the paediatric team play a crucial role in the community to convince parents and adoles-cents about the benefits of routine immunizations. Children and adolescents have the fundamental right to receive the best medical care. Therefore, health authorities, parents and the medical profession should undertake all efforts to achieve high immunization coverage in order to prevent and control potentially devastating infectious diseases.